The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies . . . ?

When you think of all the things you need to acquire when you move to a new city, you immediately think: place to live, job, and possibly a gym. But most things you will need won’t become a priority until you actually need them.

So, when I moved, I found an apartment, a job, and a gym.

The list of things I haven’t found include: a doctor (unless you include the specialized treatment for my run in with a car), a dentist because my 6 months check up hasn’t come up yet (or maybe it has . . .), health insurance, a local bank, ect.

One thing I have found though is a mechanic. Shocking, right?

Well in Maryland, there is a little thing called a state inspection before you are allowed to register your vehicle in the state. So basically I was forced to find a mechanic. A true tragedy.

But lucky for me, the first mechanic I asked to do my inspection turned out to be the best guy in the world! He did the inspection, and he didn’t try to take advantage of my stupidity. AND he even recommended where to get my car registered without having going to the DMV. Imagine my relief after having visited it 2 weeks earlier for my Maryland license.

Basically, in a nutshell, I love my mechanic! Every time I have a problem with my car, which happens more often than you think, my main man lets me stop in whenever, and he will drop everything to look at my car. So of course, I bring them cookies all the time because I need these guys to love me as much as I love them.

Now this brings me to my next point: chocolate chip cookies. They are definitely my “go-to” for thank you’s and get well’s and all of the above. Usually I use the recipes on the back of the bag (Tollhouse of course), but when I looked online to ensure that I have all the ingredients at home, it was a mess! Who knew there were so many recipes!!! Seriously! What is the difference?!

Apparently there is one! I know this now because I did not use the Tollhouse recipe this time (I only had a weird brand of chocolate chips, and I am still unsure why anyone would buy these), and they came out way more “cake-y.”


 See what I mean?

Now I am no baking scientist; I am not even a food blogger (even though its seems that way), but I think the ratio of flour to the rest would make the difference.

The major problem is the cookies I am baking aren’t for me. But even if they were, I am not sure which type of cookies I prefer. There are the fluffy ones like this recipe, the flatter crispier ones, and then other types I guess?

But you see all of these recipes on the Internet say they are for the BEST chocolate chip cookies. Why isn’t there just one?! I mean they are supposed to be THE best–the one and only.

I want to know.

Now, I have a new quest: find the best chocolate chip cookie recipe. A quest I probably won’t pursue, but when I am making more chocolate chip cookies for people, I will have to take note of how they turn out.

So tonight, I didn’t include a recipe. I am hoping that y’all will tell me your favorites!

But until then, I guess I will have to go with Pheobe’s grandmother’s recipe. (Any Friends fanatics out there?)

Until next time, Happy Thursday!